CoolAdvertising On CoolSign® Digital Displays
Delivers Impressive Results
Media Research Shows CoolSign® Advertisements Presented In Public Spaces
Achieve Recall and Persuasion Metrics Comparable To Prime Time TV Commercials
Burlingame, Calif., January 24, 2002 — AdSpace Networks, Inc., creators of a new medium for advertising in public spaces, today announced the results of two media effectiveness studies conducted by Next Century Media, Inc., a third party research firm. The research shows that the effectiveness of advertising on CoolSign® digital displays dramatically outperforms traditional backlit static signs in public places, and equals that of prime time television, considered to be the Gold Standard in terms of media effectiveness.
“In the first study, where we compared CoolSign® to backlit static signs in Caesar’s Palace, for the average of the five matched ads CoolSign® delivered +37% higher recall and +51% higher persuasion; for the average of the two matched direct response ads CoolSign® delivered +103% higher sales,” said
Bill Harvey. “In the second study, in which we compared CoolSign® in Loews movie theater lobbies to television, the average of 11 CoolSign® ads tested were closely comparable to the prime time TV norm for recall (5.0% for CoolSigns versus 4.0% for prime time TV) and the general TV norm for persuasion (4.0% for CoolSigns versus 4.7% for TV). Via a month-later reinterview we also established that across the 11 ads, 19.1% of those persuaded by the CoolSign® ad bought the advertised product or service, as compared with 12.0% purchase rate among those not persuaded by the CoolSign® ad.”
“We believe that the high impact of CoolSign® displays is due to their eye-catching images and their emergence as a new place-based medium that enhances the public spaces in which they’re deployed,” commented Harvey. “CoolSign® breaks through consumer expectations and attracts attention as an unexpected addition to the surroundings that consumers do not filter the way they screen television commercials.” "These quantitative results confirm our belief that the CoolSign® network of digital displays offers tremendous value to advertisers,” added Phil Guarascio, Chairman of AdSpace. “We’ve deployed CoolSign displays in venues across the country so that advertisers now have a new, powerful way to reach a targeted audience with proven effectiveness.”
About Bill Harvey and Next Century Media
Bill Harvey is President of TRA Inc. Recognized
as one of the most influential media research innovators
of the past three decades as well as one of the leading experts
on new media, Mr. Harvey has more than 35 years of experience
in advertising and media research. In 1972, Mr. Harvey founded
New Electronic Media Science, a marketing media research
consultancy and immediate predecessor to Next Century Media.
Over the past 30 years, the two companies have served over
150 major advertisers, ad agencies, and media companies and
have been leaders in measuring media effectiveness for new
place-based, television, radio, print, and interactive media.
About AdSpace Networks
Founded in 1998 and with offices in Burlingame, Calif., Las Vegas, and New York, AdSpace Networks, Inc., is creating the standard for the distribution, display, and control of digital media in public spaces. AdSpace's proprietary, patent-pending technology, CoolSign®, offers advertisers a new way to quickly and dramatically reach targeted audiences by delivering advertising messages to digital displays via high-speed networks. With hundreds of displays already in the field, AdSpace Networks is revolutionizing the way advertising is delivered to consumers as they shop, as they travel, and as they attend events. For more information, visit AdSpace’s Web site at
AdSpace's CoolSign® technology controls and manages networks of up to thousands of digital displays, whether they are gas plasma screens, video monitors, digital projectors, or large-scale LED displays. CoolSign® makes true multimedia advertising possible by incorporating still images, full-motion graphics, and broadcast-quality video, with or without sound, into each advertising message. CoolSign® then allows an advertisement to be precisely targeted to its audience by scheduling according to the display location and the time of day, day of the week, or specific time and date.